How to make original story articles for beginners

 Cara membuat artikel cerita yang original

How to make original story articles that readers will searc for on google search

Untuk menerjemahkan artikel ini silahkan klik google terjemahan yang disediakan di blogger ini.

Dear readers, in this article I will tell you how to write a story that will be searched for in Google search.

There are so many ways to write articles, all of them are good, of course, according to the wishes of the author, what method do you want to use, please, the important thing is to write happily,

Writing stories for entertainment of course has its own way,
Writing stories for educational purposes has its own way.
The same goes for writing other stories.

In this article, I will share my experience writing stories.

I hope that the way of writing that I use will be searched by readers on Google search.

It is necessary to know that human life on this earth must always have life problems and also of course there are solutions.

It is on this basis that I made a story,
That is writing a story, which in my story tells the problem and how to solve the problem,

This method can be used to make fiction, fantasy, fairy tales, or educational stories.
Actually this method can also be used to make a film,
or create a content type.

If this method is dug deeper, it will produce an extraordinary creation or work.

In real life, such as making or creating tools based on problems experienced by humans,
For example, if you want to travel fast, make a vehicle.

In real life the problem will exist automatically, so the problem should not be deliberate and then make the solution in real life.

To make a story article, please just tell the problem and then tell the solution, that way the article can be called a high-quality article.

Alright, friends, that's enough of my story in this article, I hope it's useful.

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Kategori: How to make,

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