How to know someone is telling the truth

 How to know someone is telling the truth or lying? 100% accurate.

Dear readers, in this article, I will tell you through this article.

Someone when talking thinks for a long time and seems nervous, it can't be said to be 100% lying, it could be that the cause is other things, such as lack of confidence or other things.

How to know someone is telling the truth is an important right.

There are many ways to know someone is telling the truth and I admit that they are all good, whatever the way, of course, maybe the science that is being studied is how to detect honesty.

Friends, readers, please just use what kind of way to detect someone's speech.

The way to know someone is telling the truth or lying can also be by looking at certain characteristics such as body movements and others.
But in my opinion this method is not necessarily 100% accurate.

If you don't agree with my opinion, go ahead, because humans sometimes have different opinions but the goal is good.

The way I use to know someone is telling the truth or telling lies is by,

1. judge his speech whether it is possible or impossible
It can also be called logical or non-logical speech.
If his speech is illogical then it can be ascertained that his speech is a lie (for worldly problems)

2. Is his statement proven?

Friends of the reader that is the way to know someone is telling the truth or lying

How do you know if someone's speech is logical or non-logical?
It takes considerable research and experience to find out.

It should be noted that there are two kinds of evidence.

1. evidence witnessed by the five senses.
2. evidence that is witnessed by the personal feelings of each person.

Reader friends, that's how I know someone is telling the truth or lying according to my story to read.

If there is another way, please write in the comments column.

Enough of my story this time, see you in the next story.
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